Building Maintenance Keeps Everyone Happy

When you own a business in the Twin Cities or anywhere else, you always want to put your best foot forward. And one of the easiest (and most obvious!) ways of doing that is to be sure your building is clean and maintained. Building maintenance is usually pretty basic: front entrances should be cleaned and maintained; your kitchen area, if you have one, should be cleaned and sanitized (same with the restrooms); carpets and floors should be clean and clear of debris … you get the picture. Cady Building Maintenance, Inc. is here to help!

Sometimes, though, it’s easy to neglect the stuff that’s out of sight, out of mind. Did you know air ducts should be dusted and cleaned on a regular basis? What about that dreaded building maintenance chore: window cleaning? Mold can also be a problem. Those tiny little spores can float through the air and travel into lungs, causing you and your workers to get sick. And being sick means more time out of your Twin Cities-area office or store and less time getting work done and making money. Building maintenance can be such a hassle sometimes, but in the end, it will help your customers see you care about your work area. And if they see that, they will know you will care about them and the quality of the services or products you provide.

Even the parts of your Twin Cities-area building you see on a regular basis are easily ignored. Check out the exterior walls and sidewalks sometime. Are they grimy and dingy? Could they use a good power-washing? Thankfully, that’s another service Cady Building Maintenance can provide!

If the dirt ever hits the fan and you need some emergency assistance, we even have a 24/7 emergency service you can contact, so we’re always here when you need us. Contact us today online or call (763) 531-0010.